Effects of initial conditioning temperature on the Cantabro test results of porous asphalt

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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The Cantabro test has been widely used to evaluate the resistance to abrasion loss of porous asphalt (PA). Abrasion loss limits are specified at either 18, 20, or 25°C which represents the minimum value of the design bitumen content in a PA mix. However, after 300 drum rotations, the temperature of the disintegrated specimen can be either higher or lower than the initial conditioning temperature (ICT), depending on the ambient temperature, whether in temperate or tropical climate. This paper presents the effects of ICT on the abrasion loss and temperature change of PA specimen skin after subjected to 300 rotations in the Los Angeles drum, carried out at 30°C. An infra-red thermometer was used to determine the temperature changes before and after subjected to 300 rotations. The results showed that the change of specimen surface temperature decreased as the ICTs increased. However, there was no significant change on the temperature inside the drum chamber. Noticeably, it was found that the abrasion loss tend to decrease when the initial conditioning temperature increased. © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group.

Publication Title

Sustainability, Eco-Efficiency and Conservation in Transportation Infrastructure Asset Management - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tranportation Infrastructure, ICTI 2014
