Underwater acoustic network with random access: A physical layer perspective

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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In this paper, we take a physical layer approach and investigate the outage probability in frequency selective underwater channels with uncoordinated multiple access and bursty transmissions. We first derive the statistical distribution of the interference as seen by a typical receiver, considering both burstiness of interference transmissions and spatial distributions of the interferers. We then derive expressions for the probability density functions of the frequency-dependent signal to noise and interference ratio. Expressions for the outage probability of a typical link between two nodes are obtained in the frequency selective scenarios and the flat fading special cases. The outage probabilities depend on the bursty transmission probability and the number of interfering transmitters. Simulation results are presented that validate the theoretical results and illustrate typical features of the interference in an underwater network. Copyright 2013 ACM.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, WUWNet 2013
