Differential responses of two conifers to in vitro inoculation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes

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Young seedlings and calli of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) but not jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) were rapidly infected with Agrobacterium rhizogenes (Riker et al.) Conn. Calli were extensively colonized and necrotic within 2 weeks. Seedlings swelled at the wound site, and developed multiple buds, blue‐colored needles with dense aggregations of stomates, or adventitious roots. Inoculation of juvenile conifer tissues with selected strains of plasmid donors may offer opportunity to clone engineered superior tree genotypes through in vitro micropropagation. Copyright © 1987, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved

Publication Title

European Journal of Forest Pathology
