Multigrain Parallelism: Bridging Coarse-Grain Parallel Programs and Fine-Grain Event-Driven Multithreading

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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© 2017 IEEE. The overwhelming wealth of parallelism exposed by Extreme-scale computing is rekindling the interest for finegrain multithreading, particularly at the intranode level. Indeed, popular parallel programming models, such as OpenMP, are integrating fine-grain tasking in their newest standards. Yet, classical coarse-grain constructs are still largely preferred, as they are considered simpler to express parallelism. In this paper, we present a Multigrain Parallel Programming environment that allows programmers to use these well-known coarse-grain constructs to generate a fine-grain multithreaded application to be run on top of a fine-grain event-driven program execution model. Experimental results with four scientific benchmarks (Graph500, NAS Data Cube, NWChem-SCF, and ExMatEx's CoMD) show that fine-grain applications generated by and run on our environment are competitive and even outperform their OpenMP counterparts, especially for data-intensive workloads with irregular and dynamic parallelism, reaching speedups as high as 2.6x for Graph500 and 50x for NAS Data Cube.

Publication Title

Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 31st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2017
