Explainable AI for understanding decisions and data-driven optimization of the Choquet integral

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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© 2018 IEEE. To date, numerous ways have been created to learn a fusion solution from data. However, a gap exists in terms of understanding the quality of what was learned and how trustworthy the fusion is for future-i.e., new-data. In part, the current paper is driven by the demand for so-called explainable AI (XAI). Herein, we discuss methods for XAI of the Choquet integral (ChI), a parametric nonlinear aggregation function. Specifically, we review existing indices, and we introduce new data-centric XAI tools. These various XAI-ChI methods are explored in the context of fusing a set of heterogeneous deep convolutional neural networks for remote sensing.

Publication Title

IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
