On affine designs and GMW difference sets
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
A bound on the 2-rank of an affine designs obtained from a Hadamard design with a line spread via Rahilly's construction is proved and applied to Hadamard designs related to difference sets of GMW type. Some questions motivated by the recent discovery of new counter-examples to the conjectures of A... and Hamada about characterizing geometric designs in terms of their rank are discussed.
Publication Title
Proceedings of the Conference 'Finite Geometries, Groups, and Computation'
Recommended Citation
Tonchev, V.
On affine designs and GMW difference sets.
Proceedings of the Conference 'Finite Geometries, Groups, and Computation', 237-246.
Retrieved from: https://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/math-fp/115
Publisher's Statement
Copyright 2008 De Gruyter. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110199741.237