Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Computational prediction of the influence of crosslink distribution on the thermo-mechanical properties of epoxies, Ananyo Bandyopadhyay
Comparison of PASER and PCI pavement distress indices , Timothy P. Barrette
Hydrologic analysis of a limestone quarry using EPA's HELP Version 3.08 Model , Scott R. Bauer
Is virtuality close enough to reality? A comparison of the effectiveness of simulations with traditional laboratory activities in a high school biology class , Wendelien K. Benya
Incorporating environmental engineering and science topics into elementary education , Jessica G. Billings
Tracking a non-cooperative target using a Doppler radar wireless sensor network, Michael K. Blaser
Four-window technique for measuring optical-phase-space-time-frequency tomography, Rachel A. Blaser
Parameter identification of a copper-zeolite SCR catalyst model using reactor data, Neelima S. Borate
Simulation of four stroke engine cycle for a 4 - valve pentroof engine in KIVA 3VR2, Yu Chen
Effects of instructional changes on student learning of electrochemistry in an IB chemistry course , Deborah Corriveau
Deltek expense, at whose expense? Users at the center of useful technology design for workplace contexts : a narrative report, Mandie Rose Danielski
Attempting to improve standardized test results using Study Islands' web-based mastery program , Paul J. Dube'
ATP modeling of internal transformer faults for relay performance testing, Elizaveta O. Egorova
Seismic observations of regional gas blowdown at Teal South, Mohamed A. Ezawi
Retrofitting boreholes contaminated with iron in rural Uganda , Caleb T. Fader
Preparation of silicon-metal nanocomposites based on electrophoretic deposition, Yiping Feng
Investigation of surface water/groundwater relationships in a rural watershed in Southern Honduras, Robert F. Hegemann
Development of a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic instrument for the characterization of aerosol optical properties, Mathew Hollinger
Locating American Indian Sciences : a report on the development, use, and analysis of a survey of perceptions, John Eric Holmlund
Comparing remote sensing and ground-based methods of quantifying cover type and carbon storage in an urban forest, Christine L. Jones
Analysis of the Making Our Mark project, Shaughn Kern
Microfluidic hydrogen generator : featuring passive on-demand gas generation and self-circulated reactant for integration with micro fuel cell, Nathaniel D. Kroodsma
Michigan cone test : a reliability study, Karl M. Krueger
Enumeration of inequivalent cycle decompositions, William J. Laffin
Plackett and Burman analysis to select effective compiler optimizations, Dustin Larson
Quincy and Torch Lake Railroad engine house facility management and interpretive plan, Dennis H. Leopold
Stochastic knock detection model for spark ignited engines, Yashodeep Lonari
Study of water use and supply in the district of Independencia, Peru, Fletcher A. McKenzie
Cyclic automorphic graph decompositions , Michael Li Misson
Implementation of the conjugate heat transfer code in KIVA-4, Edward Ng
MIMO waveform design using continuous phase modulation, Steven O'Dacre
Improving learning by connecting chemistry curriculum to students' experiences , Nicole N. Olszowy
Studying students' opinions : using surveys in writing program assessment, Lucus A. Palosaari
Local degradation of structural, mechanical, electrical and chemical properties of membrane electrode assembly in polymer electrolyte fuel cell, Nishith Parikh
Selective matrix remodeling to increase interstitial flow in lymphedema, Melissa Anne Roberts
Characterizing a single photon detector, Paul N. Rojas
Evaluation of factors affecting speed perception in a driving simulator, Jonathan A. Salzman
Performance characteristics and design recommendations for biomass-burning stoves using earthen construction materials , Nicholas H. Schreiner
Occasional white boarding : examining the effects of physics students' understanding of motion graphs , Tony Schwaller
Assessing drinking water quality at source and point-of-use : a case study of Koila Bamana, Mali, West Africa , Mathew D. Seib
Potential for hardware-based techniques for reuse distance analysis, Justin R. Slepak
Rural water system sustainability : a case study of community-managed water systems in Saramaka communities , Gwynneth Smith
Looking at the effectiveness of an earth science unit designed using the Understanding by Design process, Michele Renee Svoboda
Understanding Michigan nonindustrial private forest landowners attitudes and knowledge about forest management, Tõnis Tõnisson
Parallel algorithm for solving integer linear programs, David O. Torrey Jr.
Development of a technique for achieving an optimum BSFC for LAF engine, Shreyash S. Ukidave
Micro combined heat and power laboratory development, Thomson Varghese
Will Whole-Tree Harvest of Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana) deplete soil nutrients in low-productivity sand soils?, Victoria L. Veach
Design of high fidelity building energy monitoring system, Hao Wang
Tropospheric ozone and CO over North Atlantic for the past decade, Mark F. Weise
Systemic analysis of microarray data sets towards identifying genes regulating root development, Hang Zhang
Review of free-space optical communications with diverging beam, Yuchi Zhang
A study of acoustic emission technique for concrete damage detection, Jun Zhou
Improving sixth grade student knowledge of ecology using fish rearing and release as a real-world context , Erich Ziegler
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Clean water in the classroom : understanding the importance of water quality , Emily Curry
Human and embodied energy analysis applied to water source protection and household water treatment interventions used in Mali, West Africa , R. Brendan Held
Mathematical analysis for perceived annoyance of impulsive sounds in terms of physical factors, Gayatri S. Kadlaskar
La Yeguada volcanic complex, western Panama : an assessment of the geologic hazards using new 40AR/39Ar Ages, Karinne L. Knutsen
Considering sustainability factors in the development project life-cycle : a framework for increasing successful adoption of improved stoves , Travis K. Ostrom
Post-project assessment and follow-up support for community managed rural water systems in Panama , Ryu Suzuki
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2009
AFRC Translation Experiments for Space Propulsion, Carrie S. Niemela
Screening, optimization and extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates and peptidoglycan from Bacillus megaterium, Louis Paul-Anthony Paladino
Assessment of a high school geological field course, Eric Morgan Ruckert
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Performance evaluation of VIP latrines in the Upper West Region of Ghana , James W. Dumpert
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Real-world context, interest, understanding, and retention, Annikka Chrestensen
Effect of implementing project-based education in high school physics : file folder bridge engineering , Amy P. Muzzarelli
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Inquiry and understanding : educational research with middle level science students , Deborah A. Sage
Effect of an inquiry-based curriculum and experiential education of middle school students' attitude in science, Angela Rae Teubert
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Topics in Media: Video Gaming as a Cultural Practice, Katrina McNeely Farren
Design and implementation of a 3D computer game controller using inertial MEMS sensors, Ali Pezeshk
Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 1993
Bochner Integrals and Vector Measures, Ivaylo D. Dinov