A field hydropedology approach to planning for sponge cities and managing the urban water cycle

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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The role of soils in the urban hydrologic cycle is poorly understood, hampering the management of stormwater and wastewater volume. A hydrogeological perspective is key to developing practical recommendations for managing soil infiltrative capacities, which will define its role in managing the local hydrologic cycle. The basis for this work derives from using field observations of paired taxonomicpedologic and hydrologic data to form a hydropedological perspective. Although nascent, this proposed work addresses the evaluation of soils in designated "sponge cities" in China, building on a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency urban soil hydrologic assessment protocol, which we have used to collect hydropedological data from twelve cities across the United States and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The complete dataset quantifies key parameters to determine the suitability of soils for the management of stormwater for urbanized areas. We will present field data and illustrate how the concept of explicitly accounting for couple taxonomic-hydrologic datasets can contribute to holistic planning for effective sponge cities. We will also suggest a path forward for a soil hydrologic assessment of urban soils in the city of Luohe (Henan province,China).

Publication Title

3rd International Conference on Hydropedology
