Date of Award


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences (MS)

College, School or Department Name

Department of Mathematical Sciences


Stefaan De Winter


In 1970 Clark Benson published a theorem in the Journal of Algebra stating a congruence for generalized quadrangles. Since then this theorem has been expanded to other specific geometries. In this thesis the theorem for partial geometries is extended to develop new divisibility conditions for the existence of a partial geometry in Chapter 2. Then in Chapter 3 the theorem is applied to higher dimensional arcs resulting in parameter restrictions on geometries derived from these structures. In Chapter 4 we look at extending previous work with partial geometries with α = 2 to uncover potential partial geometries with higher values of α. Finally the theorem is extended to strongly regular graphs in Chapter 5. In addition we obtain expressions for the multiplicities of the eigenvalues of matrices related to the adjacency matrices of these graphs. Finally, a four lesson high school level enrichment unit is included to provide students at this level with an introduction to partial geometries, strongly regular graphs, and an opportunity to develop proof skills in this new context.

Previous Versions

Mar 17 2014

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Mathematics Commons
