Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Computer Science

Advisor 1

Keith Vertanen

Advisor 2

Scott Kuhl

Committee Member 1

Charles Wallace


Accuracy and speed are pivotal when typing. We hypothesized that the lack of tactile feedback on midair mixed reality keyboards may adversely impact typing performance, especially when ten fingers are used to type. We examined the differences in performance when participants typed on a virtual keyboard using just their index fingers versus all ten fingers. The keyboard was deterministic (without auto-correct), relied only on the headset's egocentric cameras for sensing, and included symbol keys. We used a novel eye-tracking technique to mitigate accidental key presses. The technique was successful at reducing error rates, though participants still typed faster using their index fingers without eye-tracking at 11 words-per-minute.
