Full access to some dissertations, master's theses and master's reports is restricted to Michigan Tech users only. Users not affiliated with Michigan Tech should contact their local library for interlibrary loan services. Michigan Tech dissertations are also available for purchase from ProQuest Dissertations Express.
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Accelerometer based measurements of combustion in an automotive turbocharged diesel engine, Christopher J. Polonowski
Fabrication of nanoparticles by short-distance sputter deposition, Min Nie
Integration of room temperature single electron transistor with CMOS subsystem, Daw Don Cheam
Metal-oxide film and photonic structures for integrated device applications, Ziyou Zhou
Payone : incentive for epidemic protocol-based anonymity system, Sowmya S. Moily
Regulation of woody plant development by gibberellin catabolic and signaling genes, Christine Zawaski
SO2 emissions at Volcan de Colima, 2003-2007, Ellen Engberg
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Critical evaluation of diameter increment modelling in the Great Lakes region, Bharat Pokharel
Early season ozone uptake is important for determining ozone tolerance in two trembling aspen clones, Lisa Jean Rouse
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Copper From Sand: A History of Copper Reclamation on Torch Lake, Houghton County, Michigan, Dorothy J. Quirk