
Building grounded theory in action researh through the interplay of subjective ontology and objective epistemology

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In this article, I contribute to the discourse on building theory within the context of action research. Specifically, drawing on advaita (non-dualism) philosophy from Hinduism, I describe a holistic framework which views life as holistic, that is, comprising both subjective and objective views of reality and thus promoting interplay between ontological subjectivity and epistemological objectivity. I illustrate with examples, how anchored in a holistic paradigm, I used principles of constant comparison in developing the theoretical category of sacredness in its various dimensions. I also describe two dimensions that characterized this process: researcher as insider-outsider and researcher's affirmations and ambivalences.

Publisher's Statement

© 2009 SAGE Publications. Publisher’s version of record: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1476750308099598

Publication Title

Action Research