Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Department of Applied Computing; Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


In automation, quality control inspection is a critical requirement to ensure product standards. The goal of this work is to insure product quality without interrupting the production line flow. The multi-robot system presented, connects a programmable logic controller (PLC), as the main controller, to a conveyor belt and two FANUC industrial robotic arms via EtherNet/IP. Human interaction is implemented to pick a work piece from the moving conveyor and return it with a quality label. This label is used by the PLC to execute the correct robot action; either to return the inspected part to the conveyor or discard it into the rejection bin. The operator uses a custom control panel connected to the PLC, which controls the conveyor and robot actions. The results show the feasibility of the presented multi robot automation line controlled by a PLC that allows human machine interaction to enable manual quality inspection during production. This paper details a student project developed in the advanced programmable logic controllers class. It is part of the master program in mechatronics. Students work in groups in a creative setting, where they learn to integrate various automation technologies and learn to write scientific publications.

Publisher's Statement

Publisher's version of record: © 2024 American Society for Engineering Education

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Publication Title

2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon
