Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Applied Science Education (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences

Advisor 1

Kedmon Hungwe

Committee Member 1

Shari Stockero

Committee Member 2

Amy Lark


Effects of Applying Student-Centered Techniques in Mathematics Achievement: A Cameroon Case Study


Jomara A. Laboy Rivera

This study investigated the effects of using student-centered techniques in math Form 2 (Eighth Grade) and the relationship among English literacy, Math Literacy, interest in math, study habits, home background and owning the Cameroonian math textbook with mathematical achievement. Data were collected from four different schools in the North West region of Cameroon. The experimental schools (GHS Shisong and GHS Kiyan) used student-centered techniques while the control schools (St. Peters and St. Francis) used teacher–centered techniques. Results showed that there was an improvement on mathematical achievement in one of the experimental schools due to the use of student-centered techniques. There was also a positive correlation between achievement and math literacy, math interest and study habits. English literacy, home background and owning the textbook didn’t show any significant correlation with achievement. Based on these findings we suggest further research with a similar population and longer intervention time.
