Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

Advisor 1

Gordon Parker

Committee Member 1

Jungyun Bae

Committee Member 2

V. V. N. Sriram Malladi


Point absorber wave energy converters (WECs) transform water wave kinetic energy into other useful forms, typically electrical. While it’s possible to extract energy from passive WECs, more energy can be captured using active control where its power take-off (PTO) acts as both a generator and an actuator. Control strategies usually require accurate models often obtained during model-scale testing. Unfortunately, friction can dominate the dynamic response in small WEC models. A frictionless point absorber WEC testbed is described in this report which allows the researcher to focus on fundamental hydrodynamic behavior instead of friction. It uses air bearings for vertical motion stabilization and a voice coil for the PTO. An embedded load cell provides real-time PTO force information and a laser sensor is used for noncontact displacement measurement. The voice coil has a nonlinear relationship between force, current, and displacement and is modeled using a neural network. The results of a typical use case are provided illustrating its end-to-end operation.
