Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Advisor 1

Min Wang

Committee Member 1

Renfang Jiang

Committee Member 2

Yu Cai


In this report, we work with parameter estimation of the log-logistic distribution. We first consider one of the most common methods encountered in the literature, the maximum likelihood (ML) method. However, it is widely known that the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) are usually biased with a finite sample size. This motivates a study of obtaining unbiased or nearly unbiased estimators for this distribution. Specifically, we consider a certain `corrective' approach and Efron's bootstrap resampling method, which both can reduce the biases of the MLEs to the second order of magnitude. As a comparison, we also consider the generalized moments (GM) method. Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to compare the performances of the various estimators under consideration. Finally, two real-data examples are analyzed to illustrate the potential usefulness of the proposed estimators, especially when the sample size is small or moderate.
