Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Industrial Archaeology (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Social Sciences

Advisor 1

Timothy J. Scarlett

Committee Member 1

Patrick E. Martin

Committee Member 2

Barry James


Michigan Technological University has been performing archaeological and historical surveys at Fort Wilkins Historic State Park as part of a multi-year contract since 2013 with each year’s work focused on different properties held by the Park. The 2015 field season focused on the 6 acre Copper Harbor Range Lighthouse (20KE33) property immediately west of Fanny Hooe Creek resulting in the identification of eight archaeological features through a combination of pedestrian survey, shovel pit testing, and excavation. Among the features identified are the Astor House (20KE83), an early hotel in the region which was noted in the writings of travelers visiting the region, and outbuildings associated with the Copper Harbor Range Lighthouse. Included within this report is an historical overview of the property, the results of field work, recommendations for further work, and interpretation options for the features located.
