Preparation and Microwave Deicing Properties of Ferric Oxide-Modified Emulsified Asphalt

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This study addresses the challenge of icy asphalt pavements in cold climates by proposing an innovative and eco-friendly deicing material. Traditional approaches, such as salt spraying and mechanical deicing, often lead to environmental concerns and increased resource usage. In response, this paper introduces a novel ferric oxide-modified emulsified asphalt (FO-EA), formulated by integrating ferric oxide (FO) powder with emulsified asphalt (EA). Experimental results, including segregation tests and fluorescence microscopy, confirm that 20% by weight of FO is evenly dispersed in the EA. Remarkably, FO-EA-coated asphalt demonstrates a 50% reduction in microwave deicing time compared to conventional asphalt, with a significant increase in the heating rate of 0.12°C/s. In addition, FO-EA surpasses standard asphalt in skid resistance and water seepage tests, meeting all specification requirements. Furthermore, its deicing efficacy remains robust after 500 abrasion resistance test cycles. Overall, FO-EA emerges as an efficient and sustainable solution for road deicing.

Publication Title

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
