Exploring the Integration of Industry 4.0 with Additive Manufacturing: A Comprehensive Review
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Additive manufacturing (AM) encompasses several manufacturing processes that allow products to be manufactured using layer-by-layer process. Numerous studies and applications of these technologies have resulted in the fabrication of complicated geometries. organizations may boost their profitability and maintain their competitiveness in the market by utilizing innovative technology. Several innovative technologies have been adopted as a result of several motivating factors, and in recent years, Industry 4.0 has had the most influence on any trend. Industry 4.0 concepts are new technologies related to the virtual age, such as augmented reality and artificial intelligence. These technologies have real potential to improve manufacturing in dramatic ways. This paper focuses on the connection between AM and other elements of Industry 4.0. It aims to provide a comprehensive review of recent changes and what changes will take place related to Industry 4.0 in the near future which may affect additive manufacturing. Additionally, the study examines recent developments in additive manufacturing with an emphasis on business innovation and sustainability.
Publication Title
Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences, ASET
Recommended Citation
Bennetts, D.,
Duer, J.,
Kandi, R.,
Koluprolu, S.,
Fatima, K.,
Siddique, W.,
Idrisi, A.
Exploring the Integration of Industry 4.0 with Additive Manufacturing: A Comprehensive Review.
Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences, ASET.
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