Airport APMs - History and future

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The first airport APM was placed in service at Tampa International Airport in 1971. Airport APMs at SeaTac and Dallas-Fort Worth followed in 1972 and 1974, respectively. Today there are 46 airport APM systems in operation world-wide, and several are under construction. The PHX Sky Train™ is the latest to enter passenger service. Although there have been many challenges over the past four decades, APMs are in the mainstream of airport planning, design, and operation. They are recognized as an acceptable and effective technique for overcoming the large scale of high-capacity airports. This paper/presentation will trace the history of the development of airport APMs, discuss current status, and look into the future. Included are first person accounts of pioneers in the development of these early systems. What will be the future role of APMs as air travel continues to grow, and how might APM technology evolve? © 2913 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Publication Title

Automated People Movers and Transit Systems 2013: Half a Century of Automated Transit - Past, Present, and Future - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference
