Statistical energy storage sizing for point absorber wave energy converters (WECS): A device for operation off the U.S. east coast

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



© Copyright 2018 ASME. This paper addresses the sizing problem of an energy storage system (ESS) while considering statistical tolerance for a two-body wave energy converter (WEC), which is designed to support ocean sensing applications with sustained power for long-term functioning. The power is extracted by assuming ideal power take-off (PTO) based upon historical ocean data record (significant wave height and period of wave swell) from Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory. A gamma distribution is applied to generate the extracted power distribution of each sample in the time-series using Bayesian methodology. The means and standard deviation of the extracted power distributions compose the statistical annual power time-series. Finally, the required capacities for the ESS sizing are estimated and discussed while considering both ground truth values and statistical values.

Publication Title

Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE
