Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering

Advisor 1

Brian Barkdoll

Committee Member 1

Mohammadhossein Sadeghiamirshahidi

Committee Member 2

Sai Sandeep Chitta


Sinuosity is an important concept in various fields including hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology. It not only presents the degree of curviness of a river channel but also reflects the ecological sustaining ability. By studying the sinuosity of a stream or river channel, important implications could also be found including the transportation and deposition of the sediments, the habitats of the riverbanks, and the types of species that are able to live on the watershed and river. To study the factors that could heavily affect the sinuosity of a river channel, a full set of laboratory experiments was designed to perform simulations of a river channel. By setting up different combinations of discharge rate, channel slope, and sediment sizes, we observed and measured the change in sinuosity during the experiments. Throughout the experiments, we concluded a non-linear relationship between discharge rates and sinuosity, where moderate discharge rates enhance meander formation, while very high rates tend to straighten the river channel. Slope is shown to significantly impact flow velocity, with steeper slopes promoting higher sinuosity through increased erosion and sediment transport, and flatter slopes leading to more stable channels with lower sinuosity. Sediment size influences the mobility and stability of the channel, with finer sediments facilitating meander formation and coarser sediments stabilizing the channel. The combined effects of these parameters dictate the energy dynamics, sediment transport, and deposition patterns that shape river morphology. The findings have important implications for stream restoration, flood management, and erosion control. Recommendations for future experiments include the introduction of vegetation simulation, advanced measurement techniques, extended experimental duration, and increased replication to enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the study.
