Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering

Administrative Home Department

Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology

Advisor 1

Anis Fatima

Committee Member 1

David Wanless

Committee Member 2

Nicholas Hendrickson


Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) is increasingly recognized for its ability to produce metal components with high deposition rates and efficiency, particularly in the aerospace and automotive sectors. However, one significant challenge that WAAM faces is achieving surface quality that complies with industry standards, as well as creating geometries that closely resemble the initial design. A crucial factor contributing to this challenge is surface waviness, which is an inherent characteristic of the WAAM process. This waviness arises from the geometry of the weld beads and the overlap distance between them. It can adversely affect the fusion quality of successive layers, resulting in deviations from the intended height of the final product and ultimately compromising its overall quality. This study aims to evaluate the influence of process parameters on the surface waviness of components manufactured using WAAM.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons
