Date of Award
Document Type
Open Access Master's Report
Degree Name
Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MS)
Administrative Home Department
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
Advisor 1
David W. Watkins
Committee Member 1
Veronica L. Webster
Committee Member 2
Brian D. Barkdoll
Hydraulic models and inundation maps serve as essential tools for implementing proactive measures against potential infrastructure damage from flood events, thereby reducing economic losses and enhancing public safety. This research combines hydraulic modeling and geospatial technology in a case study of the Huron Creek Watershed in Houghton, Michigan. Specifically, a preliminary two-dimensional unsteady flow model was developed in the Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC- RAS) based on estimated conditions of the 2018 Father's Day Flood. By utilizing high-resolution topographic data, and hydraulic infrastructure information, this study aims to simulate flood behavior throughout the urbanized portion of the watershed. A high-resolution computational mesh allows the complex interactions between water flow and topographical features to be captured by the HEC-RAS 2D model. Although the model is considered preliminary in that no observed data was used to calibrate or validate the model, the simulation results can help to identify regions that are vulnerable to flooding, evaluate the effects of existing bridges and culverts, and provide insights for mitigating future risks.
Recommended Citation
Khoshnevis, Sara, "TWO-DIMENSIONAL FLOOD MODELING OF HURON CREEK IN HOUGHTON, MICHIGAN", Open Access Master's Report, Michigan Technological University, 2024.