Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Advisor 1

Wayne W. Weaver

Committee Member 1

Yunting Liu

Committee Member 2

Gordon G. Parker


As more and more industries move towards electrification of their processes and technologies, improving the dynamic characteristics of DC-DC converters stands to be beneficial across a wide range of applications. Modifications are made to a typical boost converter's topology in conjunction with a bang-bang control strategy (which has been shown to minimize the transition time), to improve the dynamic characteristics for step changes in load. Incorporating a coupled inductor instead of a normal inductor, and using the second coil of the coupled inductor to saturate the core helps to improve performance for step increases in load. Another modification made is the addition of a bleed-off resistor at the output capacitor, which burns off excess energy in the converter to improve performance when it comes to step decreases in load. This thesis also takes a brief look at the stability of pulsed power loads. Previously, the stability margins were mapped with a boost converter with a linear inductor model and constant duty cycle control. This thesis shows that those stability margins can be improved upon by using the new topology and bang-bang control.
