Comments on "Failures in detecting volcanic ash from a satellite-based technique"

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The recent paper by Simpson et al. [Remote Sens. Environ. 72 (2000) 191.] on failures to detect volcanic ash using the ‘reverse absorption’ technique provides a timely reminder of the danger that volcanic ash presents to aviation and the urgent need for some form of effective remote detection. The paper unfortunately suffers from a fundamental flaw in its methodology and numerous errors of fact and interpretation. For the moment, the ‘reverse’ absorption technique provides the best means for discriminating volcanic ash clouds from meteorological clouds. The purpose of our comment is not to defend any particular algorithm; rather, we point out some problems with Simpson et al.'s analysis and re-state the conditions under which the ‘reverse’ absorption algorithm is likely to succeed.

Publisher's Statement

© 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. Publisher's version of record:

Publication Title

Remote Sensing of Environment
