Date of Award
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Science in Environmental and Energy Policy (MS)
College, School or Department Name
Department of Social Sciences
Barry D. Solomon
Michigan depends heavily on fossil fuels to generate electricity. Compared with fossil fuels, electricity generation from renewable energy produces less pollutants emissions. A Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a mandate that requires electric utilities to generate a certain amount of electricity from renewable energy sources. This thesis applies the Cost-Benefits Analysis (CBA) method to investigate the impacts of implementing a 25% in Michigan by 2025. It is found that a 25% RPS will create about $20.12 billion in net benefits to the State. Moreover, if current tax credit policies will not change until 2025, its net present value will increase to about $26.59 billion. Based on the results of this CBA, a 25% RPS should be approved. The result of future studies on the same issue can be improved if more state specific data become available.
Recommended Citation
Li, Fei, "A COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF A 25% RPS IN MICHIGAN", Master's Thesis, Michigan Technological University, 2013.